Forgiveness and Reconciliation

Death is not the result of sins, but an UNTIMELY death can be caused by sins. It may either be by the ruin of health by sins against the body, or it can be an untimely death executed by a state government which has been outraged by one’s sins.

Death comes upon all men because of Adam’s sin. By one man sin came into the world, and by sin came this death. Adam had the choice of life or death for the whole race. He chose death for the whole race.

12 Wherefore, as by one man [Adam] sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned: Romans 5:12 (KJV)

If it were not for the fact that God, in His wonderful mercy, had provided us another life in His Son, the whole human race would be without hope. Outside of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ and the power of His resurrection to usward who believe, every child of Adam would pass into oblivion, never to be remembered in the land of the living.

Sins are enmity toward God. So, by His death Christ obtained forgiveness of sins for all humans … so that He might remove that enmity. This we call reconciliation. This reconciliation was universal in that it was for every child of Adam. No one was barred. This is the good news that we preach when we declare that the sins of the world have been forgiven. Today no one needs to seek for forgiveness, for it has already been accomplished.

But forgiveness of sins does not give one salvation. Rather, it reconciles the sinner to God so that he can approach God to receive new life … which is freely given as a gift to such as will receive it.

So, death is not the result of sins [our acts of inning], but rather the result of sin itself.

The sin of rejection of this free gift can keep one from receiving the gift of eternal life. This new life cost the precious blood of Christ. This life is in Him (in Christ). “He that hath the Son hath life” (1John 5:11) The Son and the eternal life are inseparable. If a person has one, he must have the other. That is God’s plan. Man can take it or leave it, but he cannot change the terms. God has made them.

Beware of the lie of Satan. Satan denies the fact that “the shed blood of Christ” has already obtained the forgiveness of all, thereby barring access to God.

- Adapted from Oscar M. Baker (originally published March 1951) -