
Faith In The Right Person

Today there's lots of talk about being "spiritual." By this most mean one has some interest in that which is beyond the physical realm. Some may say of another, "He's a Christian you know, he believes in God and is quite spiritual." Well, the Devil believes in God and that does not make the Devil a Christian. For some this leads to the occult and other deceptions, but for some this may be the first indication of a spiritual awakening and that may lead them to find the Lord as their Savior.

Part 1 – Introduction: “Rest” for the Trusting Christian

Jesus came to Israel saying, “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you REST. (Matt. 11:28) Jesus first offered His “rest” to Israel, who then was under “the Law” and under Israel’s corrupt religious leaders (Matt. 23:2-4, 33). God offers rest to all those of all dispensational ages who would only ‘trust in Him.’

Dealing With Worry

The Bible tells us Satan, that "old Serpent," was defeated at Calvary and his headship over the world of humanity was powerfully dealt with. Hebrews 2:14 says that our Savior, by His death, "destroyed" him who "holds the power of death." We know from the word of God that the Devil himself is not actually "destroyed," because he will only later, at the end of the ages, will be "cast into the lake of fire" (Rev 20:10). 

How can we explain this apparent contradiction? Is the Devil destroyed or not?
