Jesus Was Forsaken for Us

  • He was forsaken by the world that He created.
  • He was forsaken by the nation and people from which He sprang.
  • He was forsaken by the village He lived in.
  • He was forsaken by the brothers with whom He grew up.
  • He was forsaken by the disciples He trained.
  • He was forsaken by the Father with whom He had eternal fellowship.
  • Jesus was forsaken that you and I, through faith in Him, will never to be forsaken.

For His cup was not yet full. As He hung on the Cross between Heaven and Earth. He had to drink the bitter dregs of the agony of forsakenness. For there on that cruel tree, Jesus was forsaken by His eternal Father.

In the anguish of that moment, the Son of God cried out, “My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me?” (Matt 7:46).

The agony, the emotion, the anguish of the event can never be comprehended by mere mortals. But it was in that instant that the sins of the whole world were placed upon the spotless “Lamb of God.”

For “He who knew no sin was made to be sin for us [so] that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him (2Cor 5:21) And, a Holy God who is a consuming fire could not look upon His Son who bore our sins in His own body on a tree (1Peter 2:24).

The Sovereign of the universe, the One who created all things by the word of His power and through whom all things adhere, walked on planet earth and among His people for roughly 33 years.

Here then is GRACE Grace that is greater than all our sin!

(Drawn from an article by Marvin J. Rosenthal)