Joseph in Typology

Consider how Jacob’s son, Joseph, is a nearly complete ‘type’ or ‘illustration’ of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Joseph delivered a message from God to his kinsman (brothers),

  • just as Jesus of Nazareth came to deliver the message of the “Kingdom at hand” from God to “the lost sheep of the house of Israel” (Matt 15:24)

What did their kinsman do? His brothers rejected Joseph,

  • just as the Jews rejected Jesus.

What else did they do to Joseph?

His brothers took him and dropped him into a pit and left him for dead. They tried to kill Joseph.

  • And what did the Jewish people do? They, along with the Gentile Romans, did kill Jesus.

Then what happened to Joseph? Along came a caravan that pulled Joseph out of the pit,

  • which is a symbolic resurrection, just as Jesus was really resurrected.

Then what happened? Joseph went into a foreign country,

  • just as Jesus went into a foreign country. He'd gone to Heaven.

Then what happened? Joseph took a Gentile bride.

  • From heaven, Jesus saved Paul and sent him to be “the Apostle to the Gentiles,” to the members of “His body.”

When Christ completes the Gentile “Body of Christ” (Rom 11:25) it will be taken to heaven at the rapture, He will then take the next step as Joseph did.

Joseph revealed himself to his brethren (Israel), and his brethren accepted him.

  • Jesus will one-day reveal Himself to His brethren, the believers of Israel, and the Jews will look upon Him whom “they have pierced” and they will weep and wail and mourn. (Zech. 12:10)

Ultimately, the Jewish remnant will receive Jesus as their Hamashiach, meaning as their Messiah, the King of kings and Lord of lords (Revelation 17:14).

Now Consider These Parallels Between Joseph and Jesus (Genesis Chp. 37-50)




Genesis 37:3

His father loved him dearly

Matthew 3:17

Genesis 37:2

A shepherd of sheep

John 10:11, 27

Genesis 37:13, 14

Sent by their father to their brothers

Hebrews 2:11

Genesis 37:4

They were hated by brothers

John 7:5

Genesis 37:20

Others plotted to harm them

John 11:53

Genesis 39:7

They were Tempted

Matthew 4:1

Genesis 37:25

They were taken to Egypt

Matthew 2:14, 15

Genesis 37:23

Their taken from them

John 19:23

Genesis 37:28

They were sold for the price of a slave

Matthew 26:15

Genesis 39:20

They were bound in chains

Matthew 27:2

Genesis 39:16-18

They were falsely accused

Matthew 26:59, 60

Genesis 40:2, 3

They were placed with two other prisoners, one who was saved and the other lost

Luke 23:32

Genesis 41:46

Both were 30 years old at the beginning of public recognition

Luke 3:23

Genesis 41:41

Both were exalted after suffering

Philippians 2:9-11

Genesis 45:1-15

Both forgave those who wronged them

Luke 23:34

Genesis 45:7

Both saved their nation

Matthew 1:21

Genesis 50:20

What men did to hurt them God turned to good

1 Corinthians 2:7, 8