Part 7 – The Religious Root of “MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT”

This Article is part of a multi-part Study Series called The Scarlet Harlot Religion Identified.

MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, The Mother of Harlots and Abominations of The Earth” (Revelation 17:5 (KJV)

We should recall from world history that the mighty “Roman Empire’ was at one time the world’s greatest ever. The Roman empire reigned from 31BC until 476AD, over 500 years. The Roman Emperor ‘Constantine I’ ruled between 306 and 337 AD. In reading history, we see how in the years following 312AD Constantine accepted Christianity so as to unite the empire by making of it his form of Roman Christianity. Constantine then added many pagan practices to hisRoman Christian church. We are told by the RCC (the Roman Catholic Church) that the first “Pope” was the Apostle Peter, but this is not so. Just consider that Peter as a Jew kept the Sabbath, not Sunday/ nor Easter / nor Christmas. Peter in fact was not the first Pope (Pontiff), I will explain as follows.

Actually, the Roman Emperor Constantine was the very first ‘Pope,’ holding the title “Pontifex Maximus.” “Pontifex” means high priestand “Maximus,” means head of the council of priests.’ But, as you will see, in Constantine’s case it literally refers to him as High Priest” of the Babylonian and Greek ‘sun god Zeus,’ out of their pagan worship, that was common in Rome before Constantine accepted Christianity.

By contrast, we as genuine Christian grace believers today have the real only great “Hight Priest” of God, Jesus Christ, who is now ‘seated at the right hand of God the Father’ as our ‘one mediator.’

“Now of the things which we have spoken this is the sum: We have such an high priest [Jesus Christ], who is set on the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in the heavens;” (Hebrews 8:1 (KJV)

“For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;” (1 Timothy 2:5 (KJV)

In 1995 I personally visited ‘The Pantheon,’ a 1,000-year old Roman pagan temple built ‘in the round’ and still standing in Rome. The Pantheon is a historical Roman pagan temple, but it now is a Catholic church. It was built on the site of an earlier pagan temple commissioned by Marcus Agrippa during the reign of Augustus between AD 126 and 128. It originally had several altars to the various pagan gods of Rome.

Constantine’s Roman religion is particularly called ‘The Cult of Sol Invictus,’ meaning the ‘Cult of the Invincible ‘Sun.’ Constantine, as the ‘Pontifex Maximus’ and ‘sun god’ worshipper literally transplanted the pagan religion of Ancient Babylon into ‘hisRoman version of the Christian church. The Pope is the “Bishop of Rome” as the highest member of the college of Cardinals. He also holds the same title as Constantine, as ‘Pontiff,’ meaning the ‘Pontifex Maximus’ or ‘high priest’ and to this day the Pope of the RCC worships the same ‘Pagan Sun God’ as Constantine did, as we will see.  

Being raised as a Roman Catholic, I recognize what I am writing here as true and a fact that the leaders and adherents of the RCC worship an image of the ‘Sun god of Babylon,’ which ultimately is nothing less than ‘Satan worship.’ I as a child was one of the RCC’s supplicants who bowed, genuflected, and prayed before an ‘image of the sun god’ called the monstrance.” The “monstrance” is a graven ‘sun image’ that looks like an ‘emblazoned sunburst’ The ‘monstrance’ carries at its center the RCC’s ‘Eucharist,’ which is considered by the RCC to be the true body and blood of Jesus.’ You can see Pope Francis holding high the ‘monstrance’ here in a photo.

The ‘monstrance’ was most often made of silver-gilt or other precious metal, and highly decorated with gems. In the center of its ‘sunburst,’ the ‘monstrance’ normally has a small round glass the size of the Eucharistic Host, through which the Blessed Sacrament (Eucharist Host) can be seen. Behind this glass is a round container made of glass and gilded metal, called a lunette, which holds the Host securely in place. The “monstrance” is set in a central place in its ‘tabernacle’ on the RCC altars worldwide. The Priest lifts it high in the course of ‘the Mass.’ It also is at times marched around the so-called ‘church’ building, while the RCC adherents bow, pray, and worship it … they do this while NOT KNOWING they are worshipping an image of the Greek ‘sun god Zeus,’ as an ‘idol.’ This is forbidden by the 2nd of the 10 Commandments concerning “idols” as “graven images.” But this 2nd commandment is misstated in the RCC Catechism, changing the Bible.

The origin of the RCC's ‘monstrance,’ which holds the Eucharist at its center, was taken from the Pagan Babylonian ‘sun god’ even before Greece, who did the same, came and went. Thus, the RCC today already fulfills the prophecy of “Mystery [secret], Babylon the Great” as they worship this pagan “sun god” of ‘Babylon’ … under the guise of the RCC’s version of Christianity. In doing this the RCC causes innocent Catholics to unknowingly partake in these ‘pagan worship rituals,’ thereby taking “the souls of men” (Rev. 18:13), its faithful adherents.

Thus, Constantine’s “Roman religion” is clearly seen today in the RCC, which is the ‘root and forerunner’ of the coming fully developed “Mystery, Babylon” – The Religion of the ‘Scarlet Harlot” of the Revelation, which we are studying.

Notably also is this, that the RCC has elevated Mary to the level of ‘mediator’ as mediatrix, ‘advocate,’ and ‘co-redeemer of humanity,’ in direct contradiction of the Scriptures. Mary was born as a sinful human of her human father Heli, as are all of us … as Adam’s sin laden offspring. Yet, in 1854, Pope Pius IX declared Mary “immaculately conceived” as Jesus of Nazareth was. Thus, they say Mary is ‘sinless,’ thus giving her a position that supposedly qualifies her to be ‘mediator between God and men. The Mary of Catholic teaching essentially takes the place of Jesus who is The one mediator (1Tim. 2:5). So, instead of the faithful RCC adherents looking to ‘Jesus alone’ as “the Author and Finisher of their faith” (Heb. 2:2), they look to Mary. In Mary they suppose that they will find access to God.

So, at the time the Apostle John received “the Revelation” of which he is wrote,Rome was ‘that city’ known as “The City on Seven Hills.” The Roman government of that time minted a coin that featured “The Goddess Roma” sitting on these infamous “Seven Hills.”

Further evidencing that the “great city” of Revelation is “Rome,” I will paraphrase what the angel said

” the woman [with the marked forehead] whom you saw [in your vision John] is that great city [of Rome] which [at that time] Reigns Over The Kings of The Earth. (Revelation 17:8 paraphrased)

John lived during the reign of Roman Empire, before Constantine, so from John’s perspective what he learned in the vision off Revelation clearly represented the “great city” of “Rome.” Thus, the “mystery [secret]” in Revelation is explained in Rev. 17:7-8 also involves a later beast that carrieth her, which hath the seven heads and ten horns” (Rev. 17:7). In this context,the beast that carrieth her,” likely also alludes to the reciprocal ‘political support’ that the Antichrist provides for the Harlot in her unholy ‘church and state’ alliance.

The “Seven heads and Ten horns” are attributes associated with “the beast” (Antichrist). The seven heads appear to represent the historical Gentile empires of Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, Rome of the past, and the seventh will be ‘the revived Rome of Revelation. Whereas the “Seven Heads” are interpreted chronologically, the “Ten horns” represent a group of “Ten Kings” over ‘ten regions’ of the world that will exist at the time of the Scarlet Harlot and Antichrist.

It is notable to realize that after ‘the fall of historic Rome’ as the world’s mightiest empire, there was still what was called ‘The Holy Roman Empire’ relating to the RCC throughout the middle ages. ‘The Holy Roman Empire’ was divided into dozens of entities governed by kings, dukes, counts, bishops, abbots, and other rulers, collectively known as princes, who governed their lands independently. Traditionally history associates Charlemagne (Charles I) as the first Holy Roman Emperor of the West (800–814), Carolingian king of the Franks (768–814), Charles II emperor of the West (875–77), and king of the West Franks (843–77) Otto I, Holy Roman emperor (962–73), and German king (936–73) Otto II, Holy Roman emperor (973–983) and German king (961–983).

The elect Holy Roman Emperor’ (imperator electus) was, until the 15th century required to be crowned by the ‘RCC Pope before assuming the imperial title. The dissolution of ‘The Holy Roman Empire’ came in 1806, not long after Napoleon of France had ‘crowned himself.’ Historians tell us ‘The Crown of Napoleon’ was a coronation crown manufactured for the Napoleon I of the France and used in his coronation on December 2, 1804. As for the omitted Roman formulaAccipe coronam’ ..., which depicted the monarch as receiving his crown from the Church, its use would have clashed with Napoleon’s decision to crown himself. The Grand Empire of Napoleon replaced the ailing ‘Holy Roman Empire,’ which was basically a continuation of the ancient Roman Empire, but only ‘ecclesiastically,’ that is relating to the RCC alone.