Should We Memorize Scriptures

Some ask how to better memorize Bible verses.

It's important to know your Bible, and memorized verses in your mind are a resource, ready when needed. You are building a reservoir of truth which your soul’s mind may draw on as needed to help weave together lines of truth... sometimes as words of comfort for yourself, or to share your understandings as the Lord may lead you by HIs Spirit.

But, just having tools does not mean you know how to use them. Actually, memorization is easier when they are involved in supporting the point or topic you are trying to remember as a point of truth in my experience, I have never actually set out to memorize a single verse. But as I spent more time studying passages to understand the doctrines an amazing thing happened. I began to memorize verses or parts of verses without even trying. I was thinking so much about the words of a passage to understand them in their context, that my mind would automatically recall them.

The same goes for books of the Bible. You naturally remember where the most used books of the Bible are. But try finding Habakkuk your memory will fail you. It is just not used very often, and if you don’t use it…

New language learners testify that the best way to memorize new words of a new language is to use them in conversations. Perhaps the reason why you have trouble remembering verses is because you do not use them very often in study or conversation with others.

Therefore, Bible understanding is much better than Bible recitation.
Memorizing Bible verses is profitable, but only if you are going to use them as a resource of truth to stand on in expanding your study or in conversation. Otherwise it may be a waste of time.