Two Programs of God - Chart

Two Programs of God to be Seen as The Division to Be Noted in the Bible

2 Timothy 2:15 (KJV) Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, (by) rightly dividing the word of truth.

Comparing:                          The ‘Prophecy’ Program of God                                   ‘The Mystery’ Program of God

Program Title &                  Prophecywas SPOKEN  by all prophets     The “Mystery Kept SECRETsince the world began”

When Revealed                  since the world began.’ (Act 3:21-26)         “but now is manifested (Rom 16:25, Col 1:26-27)

Operating System:             The “Law” (Exodus, Matt. 5:18) ‘Works of     By “Grace”… ‘not of works’ (Rom 6:14, Eph 2:8-9)

‘Works’ or Not?                  ‘Works of the Law’ are required (Jas. 2:10)   (Eph 2:8-9, Titus 3:5. Rom 4:5, 11:6)

Saved When?                      Must “endure to the end” (Matt 10:22)          A Present reality (Eph 2:8-9, Col 2:13)

Baptized How?                   ‘With Water’ (John’s baptism of repentance) A Dry Baptism into ‘One Body” (1Cor 12:13)

Security                                 Not a present reality                                             Believers ‘Sealed’ with the Spirit (2Cor 1:22, Eph 1:13)

Revealed by, then              By God…through All His Holy Prophets           By ‘Spirit of Revelation’… through Paul, ‘THE Apostle to

Offered by:                          and Jesus (Act 3:21-26)                                        the Gentiles’ (Eph 1:16, Rom 11:13, Eph 3:1-5)                

Program Concerns:           ‘Prophecy’ concerns ‘The Nation Israel’          The ‘Mystery’ concerns “The Church, which is His body”

Which Gospel?:                  “Gospel of the kingdom,” (Matt 9:35)             “Gospel of the grace of God” (Act 20:24) called the

“Gospel of the Circumcision” (Gal 2:7 KJV)    “Gospel of the Uncircumcision” (Gal 2:7 KJV)

  • Preached by:           ‘Peter’ and ‘the twelve’ (Matt 10:5-6)             Paul and the Grace Apostles (Barnabas, Titus, Tim, etc.)
  • Preached to:            Only to “the lost sheep… of Israel”                   “ALL men” - Jew & Gentile (Gal 3:28, Eph 3:9, Rom 3:10)

Telltale Indicator:               Distinction between Jew & Gentile                   No Distinction (Rom 3:10, Gal 3:28)

Those excluded:                  The Gentiles (Matt 10:5-6)                                 No One is excluded – Gospel for ‘all men’ (Rom 5:18b)

Eternal Focus:                     The everlasting ‘kingdom of Heaven’ to         Concerns the eternal kingdom of God in the Heaven

come ‘on Earth’ (Gen 22:18, Matt 6:10)        (Philippians 3:20, 2Cor 5:1b, 2Tim 2:12)

Eternal Destiny:                  Reign on earth, forever (Rev 5:10, 20:6)        ‘Reign with Him’ (Christ) in Heaven (2Tim 2:12, 2Cor 5:1)

Doorway to eternity:        Via the “wrath of God” in the Tribulation       Via Rapture to heaven (1Thes 4:13-18, 1Cor 15:51-53)

Wrath of God                      To come Upon ‘All men’ on earth,                    Believers delivered from God’s wrath via the Rapture

Israel included (Zephaniah 1:14-18)                (1Thes 1:9-10, 1Thes 5:9)