Timeline of the Book of Acts


*Tiberius is the Emperor of Rome - 14-37 AD

*Pontius Pilate Governor of Judaea - 26-37 AD

Jesus’ Death, Burial, and Ascension - 29 AD - Luke 23-Acts 1

Matthias is Chosen as to be the 12th Apostle - 29 AD - Acts 1:15-26

The Day of Pentecost - 29 AD - Acts 2

3,000 People take John’s Baptism of Repentance - 29 AD - Acts 2:41

The Disciples Enjoy Daily Fellowship - 29 AD - Acts 2:42-47

Peter and John Heal a Lame Man at the Temple - 29 AD - Acts 3:1-10

Peter Preaches in the Portico of Solomon - 29 AD - Acts 3:26

Peter and John Arrested by the Council - 29 AD - Acts 4:1-22

The Holy Spirit Fills the Disciples - 29 AD - Acts 4:23-31

The Believers Share Their Possessions - 29-31 AD - Acts 4:32-35

Barnabas Sells a Field and Contributes the Money - 29-31 AD - Acts 4:36-37

Ananias and Sapphira Die for Lying - 29-31 AD - Acts 5:11

The Disciples Grow in Number and Work Miracles - 29-31 AD - Acts 5:12-16

The Apostles are Arrested but Freed by an Angel - 29-35 AD - Acts 5:17-25

The Apostles are Questioned by the Council - 29-35 AD - Acts 5:26-42

7 Men Chosen to Care for the Neglected Widows - 31-35 AD - Acts 6:1-7

Stephen Arrested and Stoned to death, Saul-Paulus condoned - 33-35 AD - Acts 6:8-7:60

PAUL Persecutes the Judeo-Christian Church - 33-35 AD - Acts 8:1-3

Philip Preaches in Samaria - 33-35 AD - Acts 8:4-25

Philip Preaches to the Ethiopian Eunuch - 33-35 AD - Acts 8:26-40

Saul’s (PAUL’s) Conversion - 35-36 AD - Acts 9:1-18

*Caligula Emperor in Rome - 37-41 AD

Saul in Damascus and Arabia (Gal 1:17-18) - 36-39 AD - Acts 9:19-25

Saul visits Jerusalem for 15 days - 39 AD - Gal 1:18

Saul goes to Preach in Syria and Cilicia - 39-43 AD - Gal 1:21-24

Peter shares Jesus’ Kingdom Gospel with the Gentile Cornelius - 39-40 AD - Acts 10:1-48

Peter visits Jerusalem - 39-40 AD - Acts 11:1-18

*Claudius is Emperor in Rome - 41-54 AD

Barnabas Works with the Judeo-Christian Church in Antioch - 41-43 AD - Acts 11:19-24

Barnabas Finds Saul and Returns to Antioch - 43-44 AD - Acts 11:25-27

Agabus Prophesies a Famine - 43-44 AD - Acts 11:28-30

Herod Agrippa I Kills the Apostle James - 44 AD - Acts 12:1-2

Peter Imprisoned but Released by an Angel - 44 AD - Acts 12:3-19

God Kills Herod Agrippa I - 44 AD - Acts 12:20-25

1st Missionary Journey of PAUL & Barnabas preaching Jesus’ Kingdom Gospel and the resurrection of Jesus as Messiah in the synagogue “to the Jew First - 46-47 AD - Acts 13:1-14:27

PAUL & Barnabas Stay in Antioch - 47-48 AD - Acts 14:28

The Council Meeting at Jerusalem - 48 AD - Acts 15:1-29

PAUL & Barnabas Return to Antioch - 48-49 AD - Acts 15:30-35

Emperor Claudius Expels Jews from Rome - 49-51 AD - Acts 18:2

PAUL’s 2nd Missionary Journey - 49-52 AD - Acts 16:1-18:22

*Herod Agrippa II made a King by Claudius - 53 AD

Conversion of Apollos - 52-54 AD - Acts 18:24-28

*Nero is Emperor in Rome - 54-68 AD

PAUL’s 3rd Missionary Journey - 53-57 AD - Acts 18:23-21:14

PAUL Goes to Jerusalem and is Arrested - 57 AD - Acts 21:15-37

PAUL Preaches to the Jews from the Barracks - 57 AD - Acts 21:38-22:22

PAUL Imprisoned and on Trial Before the Council - 57 AD - Acts 22:23-23:10

The Jews Plot to Kill PAUL - 57 AD - Acts 23:11-22

PAUL is Moved to Caesarea - 57 AD - Acts 23:23-35

PAUL on Trial Before Governor Felix - 57 AD - Acts 24:1-21

Felix Keeps PAUL in Prison for 2 Years - 57-59 AD - Acts 24:22-27

PAUL Appears Before Festus and Appeals to Caesar - 59 AD - Acts 25:1-12

PAUL Appears Before King Agrippa - 59 AD - Acts 25:13-26:32

PAUL Leaves on a Ship for Rome - 59 AD - Acts 27:1-12

PAUL Shipwrecked on the Island of Malta doing miracles - 59 AD - Acts 27:13-28:1

PAUL Winters on Malta before, Arriving in Rome - 59-60 ADPAUL Quotes Isaiah to Israel leaders declaring the Utter Fall of Israel Acts 28:1-28

PAUL Remained in House Arrest for 2 Years after Israel was dismissed in Acts 28:28, now Paul speaks to ALL who came including Gentiles and Jews- 60-62 AD - Acts 28:19-31

*These dates are estimates based on the information contained in the Biblical text and secular historical sources.


  • Adapted from Luke Taylor