The Mystery of Man & His Search
A 4-Part Study of Man’s Search for Fulfillment
By Arthur J Licursi
A 4-Part Study of Man’s Search for Fulfillment
By Arthur J Licursi
I recently read the following words in an online article describing how the old in Puerto Rico are in dire straits since hurricane Maria hit.
“Listless and lonely in Puerto Rico, some older storm survivors consider suicide. Don Gregorio says he feels hopeless and has had suicidal thoughts. He's been isolated since Hurricane Maria struck Puerto Rico last September (2017).”
I have often been disappointed in myself in that I have sinned after knowing not to, even while knowing so much Bible. The question then becomes, “How could I do such a thing?” and “How can I not sin?” The fact is that after our salvation we soon recognize that we have a stubborn ‘heart’ problem that needs resetting. Thankfully, God’s grace and His ongoing work upon our soul, over time … ‘repurposes our heart.’
A Study of the Purposefulness of God in Suffering
A 2-Part study
Revealing the need for sufferings that are used of God for our good.
The Glory of the life in the Flower is Expressed in it Coming to Blossom AFTER its Seed is Burst.
By Arthur J Licursi
"Howbeit when He, the Spirit of truth, is come, He will guide you into all truth" (John 16:13).
How blessed to know that the Author of the blessed Book which has changed so many hearts and lives and homes is "the Spirit of truth."
"In hope of eternal life, which God, who cannot lie, promised before the world [or, "ages"] began" (Titus 1:2).
It is reassuring to know that the terms of our salvation are clearly seen in "the Word of God," who cannot lie!
The opening passage, above, however, states that God made this promise "before the world [or, "ages"] began."
How can this be?
Understanding What Drives Mankind:
For most of mankind there is an inner sense that something is obviously missing. Deep within everybody knows it and mostly unconsciously tries to fill the void with many things and pursuits. Yet, it’s a void that seems it can’t be filled.
A 15-part study series
God’s eternal plan and purpose was hid as “the mystery [secret] of His will” until He revealed it to the Apostle Paul for “the body of Christ” today.
The Scriptures reveal truth as to the two realms in which the Most High God was interested from “the beginning.”