Praying for Those Enduring Natural Catastrophes
A Multi-part Study Series
Misinformed and uninformed Christians suffer
at the hands of their ignorance and then blame God for unanswered prayer.
How should we pray for those suffering?
How should we pray for those suffering?
Contrary to common belief, though often heard, the Bible does not teach that all men are the children of God.
What if after being saved and knowing the truth of God’s ongoing work within us, our behavior does not change? For all of us, in some areas of our life, we likely may not change entirely while still living on this earth in these Sin-laden flesh bodies.
Yet, thankfully, we know also that we’re still saved, being kept “sealed” (2Cor. 1:22) and secure by the grace of His Holy Spirit within us.
One of the chief differences between religious Christendom and true grace Christianity is the erroneous manmade religious idea of divine punishment inflicted on disobedient Christians during today’s “dispensation of the grace of God.”
To Paul was committed the greatest revelation of all time. He was divinely commissioned to proclaim the glorious all-sufficiency of Christ’s redemptive work. He made known God’s offer of salvation by free grace to all who trust in Christ, along with their heavenly position, blessings and prospect in Christ.
We know that all mankind has lives of sufferings in one way or another and to one degree or another. So, even as all men suffer, for the Christian, our suffering is redemptive and profitable. Most of us as sincere Christians can say we have gained spiritually in and through enduring the sufferings of life.
Our view moves away from the temporal toward the eternal as we endure life’s training through suffering.
2 Timothy 2:12 If we suffer, we shall also reign with him… (In heaven).
Contrary the to common belief of people, the Bible doesn't teach that all men are the 'children of God.' Consider that Jesus of Nazareth said to the religious leaders of His day: "Ye are of your father the devil" (John 8:44). By contrast, the Apostle Paul wrote to the Christian believers at Galatia: "Ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus" (Gal.
"Rebuke not an elder, but entreat him as a father; and the younger men as brethren; the elder women as mothers; the younger as sisters, with all purity." ( Timothy 5:1)
King David went into the temple and meet God in prayer; he sought the Lord as to why the ungodly seem not to suffer. The answer came and David understood that we only see from mans perspective, a temporary perspective. But there is eternity, which is Gods perspective. He concludes afterward as noted here below in Psalm 73:22-24.
Forgive me for inserting my own personal testimony of the blessing of enduring life' sufferings, but this below serves as an example of how the Father works in the lives of His children.
A Leaf On A River
The Personal Testimony of Arthur J Licursi