
My mission in establishing ths website is to offer and pass on to hungry souls the understandings of the Lord and the Christian life and walk as I've come to see them over the more than 55 years of my faith journey and as corroborated by the Word of God. Those understandings have ultimately brought me to the rest, peace and a well justified confidence that I enjoy in my union with the Lord and His written words, even in the midst of the everyday storms of life.

My perspective is that of seeing the truth of the Scripture in the "light" as it is "rightly divided," according to Paul's 2 Timothy 2:15 admonition. This approach of "rightly dividing"  the Bible is the key to the Bible interpretation as it enables us to see the proper context of the what is written, to whom, for whom, concerning what, to what effect, and to occur at what time.

This approach to the Bible is clearly presented in my Study Series called "How to Approach the Bible." I hope you will read it by clicking on "Study Series" (at the top) and finding it listed.

May the Lord richly bless you, as a believer, with divine revelation of "Christ in you," as your all-sufficient new life and life-supply (cf., Col 1:27, as one detined to dwell etermally in the "heavenly places in Christ:"  (Eph. 1:3). I pray the words you read will be those that He has anointed by His Spirit in the revelation of the mystery of Jesus Christ who was given by the Father to be our innermost guiding, seal, and seccurity for the assurance of eternal life. I pray that He may then flow through each of us according to His will and eternal purpose unto the fullness "the dispensation of the grace of God" to the consummation of the ages.

In His great love and pure grace,

- Arthur J Licursi


Please note that at the top of this page you can click on "Articles" and "Study Series" to view a list of them and "click" to select from the the list below. Also above and to the right there there is a Search Box that permits you to search the hundreds of articles and studies by topics, words and by other writers. New articles and Studys will tyically be added 2-3 times a week.

Below there is also a list of 15 of "The Best Of" the more than 2,000 articles and 170 Study Series, plus the 15 most "Recent Study Series" posted, along with the latest "News of Biblical Interest." The vast majority of the writings are mine but many are aggregated from other respected dispensational Bible Teachers.

I've recently added a 'Contact" form at the top of this page and after every article, by which you may make comments or ask questions... but never to enage in argument.